More than a Few Push-ups

Sometimes it feels like a great deal of courage is needed to just greet another person, especially a complete stranger. Can you imagine the courage required to do an intervention with a stranger?

Where’s the Fire? In this Man’s Heart

Have you ever thought about what you would do if you passed a house that was ablaze in fire? Not sure? What if you saw some small children outside who in fear ran back inside to what they thought was the only safe place they knew?

Troubled Teen–Twice a Failure, but Not Forsaken

Connie, a 50-year-old social worker in Tampa, FL, tried twice to get him placed into a new home. But Taylor had anger issues, and over a course of 10 years, the adoptive parents gave him back. Two times a failure.

Stepping into the Hunger Breach

When the supply of food didn’t meet the need, students at Hill-Murray High School in St. Paul, MN, knew they had more than a simple math problem to solve.

Childless, his Strong Arms were Loving

Sometimes things just aren’t the way they seem. As we all know, it is so easy to judge people by their outward behavior, only to get pleasantly surprised to find out there is much more lurking inside.

How Sweet it Was

As the rest of the nation was astounded by the sweet healing that started immediately after the tragic shooting of nine black church members (June,’15) by a white supremacist in Charleston, S. C. something else involving sweet love was taking place in far-away Minnesota.

When Ordinary is Really Extraordinary

They call themselves “12 Ordinary Women.” No doubt they chose the word, “ordinary,” to show they are no different from you or me. But therein lies the irony.

Finding Love in a Small Town

I’ve lived most of my life on the outskirts of a large city (Mpls.), but I’ve often wondered about the appeal of a smaller town. Some of the good folks of Balsam Lake, WI, could give us all a lesson or two.

Secret Santa

After a decade, Santa’s secret is out. And no one is complaining. In fact, he’s intrigued enough people that earlier stories were shared quickly by over 40 million viewers on social media.